And in the blink of an eye we are about to begin the busiest couple of months of the year! I have been a little quiet these past few weeks as I am in full preparation mode for the holiday season. Customers can expect weeks full of vendor shows to shop in person and collections to launch every two weeks as usual.
Fern and Arrow co. debuted the first winter inspired collection, The Mountain Village Collection. We created this with favourite shapes in a rich winter inspired colour palette. This collection is very wearable for all year round as well.
To check out the entire collection click here.
Fern and Arrow co. is kicking off the holiday shopping season at the SooMarket this Saturday from 9am-2pm with plenty of vendor events in the next few weeks. To keep up to date on in-person events ensure you check back regularly in the Upcoming Events page by clicking here.
The Christmas Collection will release online on Sunday November 12th at 6:00pm est. This collection will be available in person throughout the weekend of the 11th and 12th at the Holiday Gift and Craft Show at the Bushplane Museum.
Fun non-holiday themed collection and pieces will be released for the remainder of the year.
I have heard that a lot of businesses have been struggling this past year, and I hope that if you are able, please support as many small businesses as you can. Something that I love when gift giving items from a small business is tell them about the person behind the product and I think it adds an extra special touch to the thought behind the gift.
This will be Fern and Arrow co.'s 3rd holiday season and this will be the busiest, and with that it is anticipated to be the most stressful. While I love releasing collections and attending in person events sometimes it can be a lot to juggle everything. So this holiday season, I am determined to provide myself grace and not stress too much about restocking specific items if the time is simply not there.
I am so excited to be working with so many great organizers that take time to create these amazing events for us small businesses. It is crazy to think that when starting Fern and Arrow co. I never intended on selling in person but now it is truly one of my most favourite things.
Cannot wait to talk soon!
xo Courtney